Trump Promotes Man Who Suggested Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Afghanistan: Former conservative radio talkshow host and conspiracy theorist Frank Wuco, who once suggested dropping nuclear bombs on Afghanistan and who eagerly promoted far-right conspiracy theories such as Barack Obama wasn’t born in the United States, has just been given a senior role on arms control issues in our State Department.
I’m sorry, but this has to be a horrible mistake - I mean, Frank Wuco? That’s gotta be a typo. Isn’t that supposed to read “Frank Wacko?” Oh well, I suppose this is all par for the course. I mean, hell - last hurricane season, Trump even floated the idea of nuking a damn hurricane, so I can’t imagine why this should come as such a big surprise to anyone.
Obviously, appointing a guy who’s seriously eager to start a nuclear war as senior advisor on arms control, would seem like a great idea to a President who’s just pardoned a Navy Seal shortly after he was convicted of “war crimes.” Well, Mr President, what’s your next move - pardon Bernie Madoff and then appoint him head of the Federal Reserve?
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