Trump Disbanding Coronavirus Task Force While U.S. Cases Are Rising: While touring a mask production facility in Phoenix while wearing no mask, President Trump confirmed rumors that he will be disbanding the White House coronavirus task force in the coming weeks, even as the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US continues to rise.
Wait a minute, isn’t that a bit of like sending the firefighters back to the station while the house is still burning - so the Fire Captain can get back to watching TV?
Anyway, it certainly sounds like it’s time for Mr Trump to find himself a nice, big battleship and declare "Mission Accomplished!” And, of course, what could possibly be fitting to represent the President’s leadership during this pandemic, then the USS Arizona.
Not to mention, and on a more positive note, disbanding the coronavirus task force will also at free-up more time for Jared Kushner and Mike Pence to get back to doing what they really do best - which is absolutely nothing.
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