Trump Demands Coronavirus Bill Include White House Renovation Money: With so many Americans out of work and struggling to make ends meet, the White House has been stirring controversy by demanding that the next “Coronavirus Bill” include $377 million, so the Trump’s can renovate the White House.
Seriously? The Trumps are really asking for $377 million, so they can remodel the White House? Geez, besides being a helluva lot of money - and knowing the Trump style, do we really want to see this national heritage transformed into looking like some cheap, Versailles-themed, French bordello?
Hey, I got an idea! Why not just let the good folks over at Earl Scheib? Hell, they’ll paint the whole place for just $99.95. That’ll save approximately $376,999,900.05. Why, that’s nearly enough to commission another Trump portrait to hang on the White House walls.
Besides, what’s the point? I hear-tell come January, there’s a pretty decent chance Trump and his family of grifters, may find themselves on the phone with "Starving Students Moving Company” and on their way to take up residence elsewhere. And hopefully, they won’t take all the silverware with them.
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