Intelligence Data Indicates Russia Actively Trying to Interfere in US Election: New intelligence data show that while China may actually “prefer” Joe Biden over Donald Trump, China’s efforts are more like classic spying, while Russia is “actively working” to meddle in our elections on Trump’s behalf. When cornered about the issue, White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien admitted Russia is trying to interfere, but added that “it’s not just Russia, the Chinese don’t want the President reelected.”
Perhaps, but I got some bad news for O’Brien. Roughly two thirds of Americans, and probably 90% of the rest of the world - don’t want to see Trump reelected either. Besides, Trump is doing more then China could ever dream of, to sabotage himself. Hell, not only does Trump not wanna prevent foreign election tampering, he’s actually counting on it.
The fact is, while Chinese leaders may “prefer" Joe Biden over Donald Trump, their real choice is Libertarian presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen who, crazy as it may seem, had to skip her Saturday rally, after getting bitten by a bat. Not to be critical, but perhaps Libertarians ought to be a bit more careful about who they - “hang with."
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