Jerry Falwell Jr. On Indefinite Leave Following Provocative Photo: The executive committee of the board of trustees announced that they have met with Liberty University President and prominent Trump supporter Jerry Falwell Jr., and requested he take an indefinite leave of absence, after Falwell posted a sexually provocative photo to social media which drew widespread harsh criticism, including Republican allies and other evangelical leaders.
In all fairness, Falwell is claiming that the dark liquid in his glass is really “only water.” All I can say is, if that’s “only water,” then he had to have gotten it from the Flint, Michigan water supply. Now, I hate to sound skeptical, but who the hell imports Flint, Michigan water onto their $100 million yacht?
Anyway, there’s a clear message here for Liberty University students - and that message is quite simple - if you ever find yourself one day getting drunk aboard your $100 million yacht, whatever you do - never attempt to post suggestive photos of yourself messing around with women dressed in “Peg Bundy” costumes.
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