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Controversy Brews Over Proposed Trump Presidential Library

Controversy Brews Over Proposed Trump Presidential Library:  President Trump has reportedly spent very little time thinking about his post-presidential life, including considering details for his Presidential Library - given that close aids say privately, that the President is still in deep denial that he could actually lose the election, even at this late stage of the game.

Gee, that kind of makes me wonder, just what the hell would you put in a library, dedicated to a man who doesn’t even read?  Well, come to think of it, I suppose it wouldn’t be all that difficult to come up with a few special treats for all of Trump’s loyal, semi-literate followers.  As we learned from this past election, it really doesn’t take a whole, helluva lot to impress these folks.  

Hell, I’ve even got a few ideas myself.  Let’s start with a couple of old Playboy Magazines, throw in a collection of the President’s best insults and staff dismissals from his Twitter feed, a copy of his ghost-written "The Art of the Deal,” and, to finish things off - a fake copy of Donald Trump as Time Magazine’s “Person of the Year.”

Now, the last big question is, where would be an ideal location to set up a Trump Library?  After much thought, my suggestion would be next to that Ark Encounter ride at the Creation Museum down in Petersburg, Kentucky.  That way, you’d have two pseudoscientific testaments to complete and utter nonsense, all in one convenient location. 

Why, they could set the place up like one of those hall of mirrors you’d find in some carnival funhouse.  Dare to enter, and all reality would be instantly and completely distorted, just like it was during the Trump Presidency.  Not to mention, a very special surprise also awaits those who make the Trump Presidential Library pilgrimage - pay toilets!


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