Trump Allies Looked Into Buying Newsmax as a Platform for Trump: President Trump has been complaining loudly about Fox News’ coverage of him for nearly a year now, and The Wall Street Journal is reporting some of Trump’s closest allies have been looking into purchasing the fledgling pro-Trump cable channel Newsmax, as a means of taking over the message delivery system for right-wing Americans.
Yea well, on the other hand, Trump also wanted to buy Greenland - so keep that in mind. But personally, I think this may be a pretty damn good idea. I mean, let the President do what the President does best - take over companies, and then drive them into bankruptcy.
And, what a channel this could be! Why, if done right, the station could serve as kind of a mini-Trump rally, minus all the Covid-19 cross-contaminations. Just imagine, a station featuring Donald Trump, airing all his complaints and grievances - 24/7! Now, who wouldn’t wanna watch that?
Finally, a place for people who feel folks like Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham, and Jeanine Pirro - just aren’t quite whacked-out enough for their tastes. I’ll tell you what, it’s stories like this that give us a glimmer of hope that the circus - might be leaving town.
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