Kushner Shell Company Diverted Campaign Cash to Trump Family Members: It’s being reported that the President’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, helped set up a dummy shell company that secretly laundered $617 million of the Trump campaign’s $1.26 billion war chest - to Donald Trump’s family members.
Wow, these grifters make folks like John Dillinger and those Nigerian princes - look like Cub Scouts. Hell, at least the Mafia had some sort of a code of honor. And, silly me! Why, to think all this time, I just assumed they were diverting all that cash to orphanages and animal shelters.
That said, it was apparently money well stolen. So, if you’ve ever wondered why Trump would put someone like Jared Kushner in charge of practically everything, now you have the answer. And, all he’s really done is employ the standard “televangelist business model” to politics.
Now, for those of you who are upset and angry about this theft, you need to understand that Jared has some mighty big expenses. Why, he needs to keep Princess Sparkle Pony living in that lifestyle to which she's become accustomed - and, that takes cash my friend.
Besides, the poor Trump supporters who contributed the campaign funds that Jared and his pals stole, aren’t all that concerned about it anyway. Why, what they’re up in arms about is - Fox News is reporting a Biden nominee used a swear word on social media. I’ll tell ya what, those Trump lovers really know how to put their priorities in order.
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