Pro-Trump Groups in Violent Clashes During Election Fraud Protests: Incensed by a Supreme Court ruling that essentially dissolved President Trump’s last-ditch efforts to invalidate November’s Presidential election, thousands of angry Trump supporters, including groups such as Proud Boys and other right-wing organizations, clashed with counterprotesters in Washington, DC and several state capitals on Saturday, to protest what they contended - without any evidence, was a stolen election.
Gee, apparently the Proud Boys must have taken themselves a short break from making plans to kidnap governors - to attend this rally. And my word, don’t those rednecks look mighty spiffy in their cute little black and yellow costumes? Now, I’m guessing that the black symbolizes the color of their hearts, while the yellow represents the color of their spines.
Why, just take a look at those folks. Oozing out both hatred and the coronavirus, all at the same time. Now, that’s some fancy multitasking. One thing’s for sure, someone could really make a small fortune, by setting up a portable tattoo stand in the middle of that crowd. And, to fully capture the true spirit of the event, all you’d really need to be able to tattoo would be two simple words - “F**k Democracy!”
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