World's Richest Added $1.8T to Their Combined Wealth in 2020: According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the world’s 500 richest people added approximately $1.8 trillion to their combined wealth in 2020. This 31 percent increase, which occurred amid the economic crisis spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, is the largest annual gain in the index’s history.
So, what’s the big deal? I mean, I got nothing to complain about. Hell, my net worth has just increased by 600 bucks. Life’s good! Why, here in LA, that $600 almost covers 1/3 of someone’s average monthly rent. That’s not a bad chunk of change, once you forget about eating and utilities.
Besides, if you don’t feel satisfied with that $600 kiss me, then you can always get your big ass up off the couch, put on your face mask, and do what a lot of other people are doing these days - rob a convenience store.
Man, it really gets to me when I hear folks complain that wealthy people don’t deserve that extra $1.8 trillion. Oh really? Well, you wanna know why wealthy folks got all that extra cash this year? Because they worked 1.8 trillion times harder than the rest of us did. That’s why!
And now, you hear folks demanding that corporations need to pay their fair share of taxes. Well, for crying out loud! Don’t these numbskulls realize, that every time there's a corporate tax increase - it means that somewhere, a CEO is going without a meal? Kind of makes you wonder, just where the hell is the compassion these days?
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