Idaho Republican Claims Face Masks Do Damage to Our Souls: Before she introduced a bill that would ban all mask mandates in her state, Idaho Republican State Representative Karey Hanks said she had “done some research” and found that “wearing face masks can cause injuries even to our souls,” because “masks are a reminder of the death and destruction of COVID.”
Excellent point Representative Hanks! In fact, why stop with banning face masks? If you wanna talk “reminders of the death and destruction of COVID,“ let’s not forget ambulances, hospitals, nursing homes, hospice centers, funeral homes, and graveyards. Hell, ban the whole bunch of them - before anybody else in Idaho “injures their soul.” And, you can bet those “injured souls” aren’t covered by insurance either!
And, while there are those who may conclude that somehow logic seems to have escaped Representative Hanks, let us not forget that she represents a strongly Republican district in Idaho - so “logic” isn’t really gonna be a big factor here anyway. Besides, she said that she’s already “done the research.” I mean, if you can’t believe what you’ve read on some QAnon website, what the hell can you believe?
Of course, we all get that Rep. Hanks represents the state of Idaho, but after her latest proposal, skeptics also demand to know what “state of mind” she’s representing. Well, as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing wrong with Karey Hanks’ state of mind! At least, nothing that another 500 milligrams of Thorazine can’t address.
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