Millionaire Moderate Democrats Vote Down Minimum Wage Increase: While millions of American families struggle, just to put food on the table and to make ends meet during the pandemic, eight members of the Democratic caucus happily joined in with all 50 Republican senators, to kill an amendment allowing a $15 minimum wage provision attachment to the Senate's coronavirus relief package bill.
In response, progressives were quick to point out that nearly every single lawmaker who voted against the raise for low-paid workers nationwide - happened to be a millionaire. This included Arizona Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who even did a little dance as she gave a thumbs down to the minimum wage provision. Now, if they knew Sen. Sinema was gonna do a dance routine, I’m sure minimum wage workers would have told her to “break a leg.”
Anyway, all I can say is, with friends like them - who needs Republicans? But, I understand the point they’re trying to make. After all, everyone knows that $15 an hour is such a generous wage, that only people with advanced Ivy League degrees deserve to earn that kinda dough. I mean, if we start paying everyone huge $15 dollar-an-hour salaries, then what the hell’s the point of going to Harvard or Yale?
Oh sure, it’s true that the nation’s 614 billionaires added an additional $1.3 trillion dollars to the fortunes during the pandemic, while most everyone else’s net worth decreased dramatically, but that’s only because those billionaires worked 1.3 trillion times harder than the rest of us did.
And, as I’m quite sure any of those billionaires would be more than happy to inform us, if we increase that minimum wage to a living wage, then those very folks who’ve been working those rotten jobs at starvation wages with no benefits, might very well lose those very jobs that have been keeping them living in abject property all this time. Wow, who knew billionaires were that concerned about our well-being?
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