Jerry Falwell Jr. Asks Court to Dismiss Liberty University's $10 Million Lawsuit Against Him: The Daily Mail is reporting that Jerry Falwell Jr asked a Virginia court to dismiss a $10 million lawsuit filed against him by Liberty University, over his scandalous departure as leader of the conservative evangelical school his father founded, Falwell claiming he had no duty to tell the university about his private matters. These accusations included excessive drinking, as well as numerous liaisons between his wife and a “young pool boy” named Giancarlo Granda, in which Falwell Jr. often participated as a voyeur.
Wow, now that’s one of the best Bible stories ever! I guess folks don’t call it “the Good Book” for nothing. So apparently, Jerry Jr.'s wife and the young pool boy were role-playing “Adam and Eve,” as the creepy serpent looked on. And, while she didn’t actually give the pool boy an apple, she did reportedly give him a Mac laptop - as a token of their appreciation.
Now, this begs the question, exactly what Bible verse covers pool boys, hot tubs, drunken Pastors, their wives, and all the secret sexual proclivities of the clergy? I believe it might be in the Book of Dude-a-Ronomy, verses 7:11 - which proclaims "And thou shalt observe thy wife, banging thy servant in a jacuzzi, and that shall provide thee with extreme pleasure.”
Of course, Liberty University always knew what vile, disgusting creatures the Falwells were, but didn’t really care - until their “activities” became public. Their attitude was always “God forgives us, but He thinks the rest of you are just assholes.” Anyway, they say the shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept,” but I think in the case of the Falwells and Liberty U, it might be more like “Jesus snickered.”
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