Never straying far from his promotion of the “Great Replacement Theory,” which claims “leftist politicians are trying to replace white Americans with immigrant people of color,” Tucker Carlson tried to make sure his white nationalist followers remain vigilant, by warning viewers this week that if Afghan refugees are allowed to settle in this country, they will attempt to enact Sharia law in America! While Tucker did concede that the Afghans have some “good people,” he cautioned that they are “very different” from most Americans.”
So, last week we had Tucker and the Republicans complaining about how “Joe Biden has abandoned those poor, poor Afghans!” Then, come this week, they’re screaming "Don't let those dirty Muslims into our country” and “they’re coming to rape our daughters!” Really, because statistically, those daughters actually have much more to fear from their church clergyman, than they do from any immigrants fleeing persecution.
Anyway, if I’m understanding Tucker correctly, we have these Afghan refugees who are leaving most everything they have behind, and fleeing the Taliban and Sharia law - so they come to America and implement Sharia law here? Yeah, that makes a lotta sense. The funny thing is, I thought the Republicans think Obama already implemented Sharia law, back when he was President. You know, just after he confiscated everyone’s guns. So, if we’re already living under Sharia law, what’s the big deal anyway?
Of course, the truth is - if Trump and his cult thought it would return him to the White House, they'd endorse Sharia law in a minute, and Tucker and his viewers would be perfectly fine with it all. Tucker reminds me of one of those feudal lords, who tells his peasants they need to take up arms against the villagers who live across the valley, just over the hill. That is, assuming the feudal lord had obtained all his wealth and power - by selling frozen TV dinners.
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