Fox News host Tucker Carlson told viewers that the real reason for the Biden Administration’s mandatory vaccination requirements for the military is to "identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the free thinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who does not love Joe Biden - and make them leave immediately.” Adding that “It’s a takeover of the US Military.”
Well, I’ll tell you what, we’re all pretty fortunate to get Tucker’s take on this issue, because as any competent military analyst will tell you, there’s really no one who fully understands the workings of our military, quite like someone who’s never served a day in their life. I believe the promo for his show was “Wimp Explains Masculinity at 8:00 Tonight.”
Now, I realize this may come as kind of a shock to poor Tucker, given that pudgy little “trust fund babies” like him rarely ever serve, but nearly all military recruits have been hit with a bevy of vaccinations almost immediately after they step through the recruitment center door at basic training.
Of course, the dirty little secret these blowhard, anti-vax, Fox News pundits don’t tell you is - it’s actually mandatory for everyone working over at Fox News to be vaccinated. Now, in all fairness, Tucker probably only agreed to take the shot, in the hope that it might make his “balls swell up” - just as big as it did for “Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend.”
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