According to various reports, the newest trend among anti-vaxxers on TikTok and other social media is to refuse to be referred to as “unvaccinated,” and demand everyone instead call them “Purebloods.” As a point of reference, the term “Purebloods” was popularized in the Harry Potter universe, where the forces of proto-fascist evil identified themselves as “Purebloods,” which was meant as a reference to the Nazi preoccupation with genetic bloodlines and “pure Aryan blood.
Well, gee whiz, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, the simple truth is - if you went to public schools as a child, then you’ve definitely been vaccinated before. Therefore, by your own definition, you folks can’t really be classified as “Purebloods,” only "pure idiots.”
Of course, in their own way, these folks are kind of “Purebloods” - given that they’re “pure hate, pure evil, pure ignorance, pure fascist, pure racist, and pure bullshit.” Wonder if these “pure morons” actually realize these “fantasy Nazis” - weren’t really the “good guys” in that story?
Of course, in today’s terminology, “Pureblood" usually refers to “pedigreed show animals,” such as dogs, cats, or horses. Oh, wait! Perhaps that explains why these folks are so hell-bent on taking barnyard dewormers like ivermectin? Meanwhile, these “Pureblood” supermen and superwomen, sure seem to be dropping over like flies from COVID. Apparently, there’s quite a heavy price to pay - for being so “pure.”
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