Not only are conservative activists across the country increasingly targeting school curriculums surrounding topics such as racial inequality, women’s rights, and LGBTQ issues, but they’re additionally mounting a strong effort to rid school libraries of any books which they deem “inappropriate” - many going so far as demanding not only these books be removed, but also burned.
Frankly, I have to admit I’ve always found it rather amusing when Republicans demand we ban books. I mean, it isn’t as if they’ve ever read one or anything. And, gee - I thought conservatives were supposed to be against "cancel culture” and the “nanny state?” But, I get the message - “guns in school good, books bad!” Why, Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn’t be the MAGA hero he is today, had he not been exposed early on to the love of firearms.
Not surprisingly, leading the charge on much of this book banning and burning, is none other than good old Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Of course, given the way Abbott and the Republicans have been handling that Texas electrical grid, Texans may soon have to burn books - just to keep warm for the winter. I like to think of it as sort of “The Bonfire of the Hannitys.”
Of course, there’s always a danger that Evangelical Christian Nationalist children may somehow get their hands on these “unapproved” books elsewhere, and end up “reading gay pornography instead what they’re supposed to be reading in school - which are books about Jesus.”
Frankly, it sounds like the only really safe solution to this threat is - just don’t teach your kids to read. Otherwise, you liable to one-day wake up and find yourself in a situation where your kids are crying “Daddy, why are you burning my Kindle?”
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