The Associated Press reports that about 50 people in Yerington, Nevada, attended a ceremony to rename the Lyon County courthouse the "Donald J. Trump Justice Complex.”
No kidding? They’re actually renaming a courthouse after Donald Trump? Interesting choice, especially considering nearly every single day, we learn of yet another new law he's broken - but they’re still putting his name on the “Lyon County Courthouse?” That has to be a typo. I mean, shouldn’t that actually read “they’re putting Trump’s name on the Lyin’ County Courthouse?”
Why, next thing you know, they’ll be naming the FBI headquarters after J. Edgar Hoover - oh, wait! Regardless, it’s obvious the world’s going crazy! Hell, if things get any whackier, we’ll soon be reading about how Robert Kennedy Jr. just got vaccinated for COVID! I mean, just think about it. When they put Trump’s name on it, the facility is likely to become more like an “Oedipus Complex,” than a "Justice Complex.”
Gee, wonder what made them name the place after Donald Trump anyway? I guess names like Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, and Benito Mussolini were already taken. Now, this place is REALLY in “the middle of nowhere.” Why, word has it rattlesnakes and coyotes don’t even bother dropping by. Good luck trying to get Trump to leave his gold-plated toilets, and come out there for a ribbon-cutting.
That said, if you look very closely at the photograph I attached, you’ll see they have a rather large stone tablet of “The Ten Commandments,” right there in front of the damn courthouse. Which is all well and good I guess, but let’s be honest here. They’re definitely gonna have to scratch out a helluva lot of those “commandments” - if they wanna name the place after Donald Trump.
Now, if you regularly read my column, you’ll know I’m no religious scholar, but as far as I can tell - about the only commandment Trump hasn’t broken so far, is “thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s manservant.” And, hell - even that could change if they ever get around to sending this seditious, criminal traitor off to jail. Meanwhile, I’m sure Trump will stay plenty busy, bragging about how he’s got "The Best Little Courthouse in Nevada.”
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