Residents of Jamestown Township in Michigan overwhelmingly voted down a ballot measure to fund their local library, after Christian Nationalists frightened residents by warning the library contains dangerous books that are sympathetic to LQBTQ culture. The Christians claimed that simply by having LQBTQ-themed books on their shelves, demonstrates how the library is actually grooming kids to become gay. In fact, the library director resigned in the spring, citing harassment amid claims she was "indoctrinating" children. Along this same line, speakers at the recent CPAC conference in Dallas said shutting down public libraries should become a top priority for all Christians and Republicans who are serious about preventing the spread of this “Godlessness” across the nation.
Gee, what fun it must be, growing up in a town like that - surrounded by meatheads who are so proud of voting to close down their only library - and thusly ensuring they will become collectively even dumber than they already are. The fact is, this library has 67,000 books, videos, and other items in its collection, of which about 90 could only remotely be considered to have an LGBTQ theme. So, it appears these half-wits are willing to lose this facility, over less than 100 books. Makes you wonder, are we talking about Jamestown, or Jonestown?
But I get it. In fact, the good folks of Jamestown Township would probably explain it all this way, “Look, we loved our library. We just didn’t want any books we don't like - to be in it.” Well then, how long can it be before some Republican comes up with the brilliant idea of offering tax deductions for burning books? Of course, the truth is - if these Christian zealots actually manage to get their way, there will basically be only one book allowed in libraries and book stores anyway. Problem solved!
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