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Showing posts from February, 2023

Republican Lawmaker Claims When Severe Child Abuse Victims Die - Govt Saves Money

During a recent committee hearing, Alaska Republican state Representative and longtime Oath Keepers member David Eastman suggested it's actually beneficial to society when victims of severe child abuse die “because there aren’t needs for government services and whatnot over the whole course of that child’s life.”   When asked to explain what he meant, Republican Rep. Eastman said he was “talking dollars” and that its actually a $1.5 million cost savings for society if the child abuse victim dies.   To add a little context, Rep. Eastman is a guy who once suggested that women living in poor, rural Alaskan villages were “getting pregnant on purpose” - just to get to enjoy a "free trip" to the city to get an abortion. So, the “Pro-Life Party” strikes again.  Sounds like this wonderful guy sure has a very bright future in today’s Republican Party.   Of course, Rep. Eastman is from Wasilla, aka the “Meth Capitol of Alaska,” so next time he makes a crack like this - check h...

Alex Jones Takes Sam Harris Interview Out of Context to Prove Liberals Eat Babies

InfoWars conspiracy host Alex Jones responded to a Cenk Uygur interview of philosopher Sam Harris on The Young Turks, where Harris sarcastically mocked right-wing conspiracy theorists who claim liberals are eating babies, by taking Harris completely out of context and implying Harris was basically making a confession when he mockingly said “Why can't you eat babies?   There are sometimes extra babies in the world, and they're full of protein.   Can't we eat them?” Well, first of all, its a total lie to say ALL liberals are eating babies.  After all, my doctor made me quit eating them well over a year ago because he wanted me to cut out my consumption of raw meat.   Luckily, I can still eat the baby carrots that come as a side dish.   Besides, folks on the left don’t really eat babies.   That’s total nonsense!   Of course, now toddlers - well, that’s an entirely different story. The fact is, everyone knows Libtards are mostly vegetarian and would much p...

Inquest Finds Irish Man was Killed by Belligerent Chicken

The Irish Examiner reports an inquest into the mysterious April 2022 death of a 67-year-old Irish man named Jasper Kraus, found semi-conscious and lying in a pool of blood on his kitchen floor by his tenant, has just determined it was an "aggressive" Brahma rooster who was responsible for killing the man.   Tenant Corey O’Keeffe called emergency services immediately after finding Mr. Kraus, and they talked him through staunching the bleeding and performing CPR during the 25-minute wait for paramedics to arrive at the rural home, during which Mr. Kraus sadly expired.   According to O’Keeffe's testimony, Mr. Kraus’ final words were simply “Rooster."   Not surprisingly, not long after arriving on the scene, police say they began to suspect fowl play.  Fair enough, but I have to admit that when I woke up this morning, I wasn’t expecting to read an article about a chicken killing a man, and yet here we are.   Now, you can call me old-fashioned, but I prefer the good ...

Red State Republicans Propose Using Children to Fill Labor Shortages

Faced with low unemployment and a labor shortage, Republican state governors and legislatures are yielding to business lobby pressure and rushing to introduce bills in numerous red states that would dramatically loosen or repeal many child labor law regulations around “age and workplace safety protections” - especially, in some of the country’s most “dangerous workplaces.”   Economists say when corporations struggle to find staffing, they’re delighted to hire younger, cheaper workers, rather than increase pay and benefits to attract adults. Wow, who says Republicans have no real plans for America?  “Bring back child labor!” sounds like a real winner for Republicans in the next election, right along with “End Social Security and Medicare handouts!”   So, I guess its “Get outta that crib and get to work, you lazy little bastards!”   And while we’re at it, let’s build barracks to house those underage child workers, and bring back workhouses for the poor and the needy. O...

Republicans Pissed Biden Shot Down ‘High-Altitude Object’ Over Alaska

The Pentagon announced that a U.S. fighter jet has shot down a “high-altitude object” in Alaskan airspace Friday, marking the second such encounter in a week after the plodding cross-country flight by a suspected Chinese spy balloon.   Officials say the object was roughly the size of a car, making it much smaller than the Chinese airship shot down Saturday. Well then, I guess when it comes down to shooting down “unidentified high-altitude objects,” size doesn’t matter.   Gee, I wonder what the hell it was that was flying so high above Alaska?   The way I see it, it could only be one of two things - Elon Musk’s car, or Sarah Palin’s ego.   We can only hope it wasn’t Santa, on some kind of a test run.   Otherwise, Christmas ’23 is all shot to hell. Meanwhile, Republicans are up in arms about the matter, first complaining about the cost of shooting it down, and then claiming President Biden shot the thing down way too soon.  Now, while I’m certainly no Repub...

Neo-Nazi Leader and Girlfriend Arrested in Power Grid Attack Plot

Atomwaffen n eo-Nazi group founder Brandon Russell - recently released from prison - and his 34-year-old girlfriend Sarah Beth Clendaniel, who actually met while serving time in separate prisons, have been charged with plotting to knock out power stations around Maryland, the latest in a string of criminal, anti-government, right-wing domestic terrorist attacks on the nation's power grid. But gee, they seem awfully nice.  So, now the only questions remaining are - how long before folks like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Lauren Boebert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene start referring to them as “patriots and political prisoners,” and will Republican leaders invite them to this year’s State of the Union address?   After all, in Republican speak, making plans to wipe out an entire state’s power grid - is considered legitimate political discourse.  Besides, as any MAGA will tell you, these two aren’t nearly as dangerous as George Floyd - an unarmed man who was killed, simply becau...

Florida Demanding Girls Report Menstrual Info to the State in Order to Play School Sports

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis isn’t stopping his attack on Florida education by simply prohibiting Black History Classes; he’s now trying to require school girls to report their menstrual information to the state before they will be permitted to participate in school sports.   In fact, a subcommittee of the FHSAA just voted to make it mandatory that female athletes answer these questions if they want to participate in school athletics: When was your most recent menstrual period? How much time do you usually have from the start of one period to the start of another? How many periods have you had in the last year? What was the longest time between periods in the last year? They then want kids to upload all this information to a third-party platform that is not bound by HIPAA - where the information could be forced to be disclosed under subpoena, which could result in making the girls’ menstrual information public. Well, given how intent the governor seems to be about monitor...