Trump Campaign Advisors Defend Not Using COVID-19 Precautions: Two Trump campaign advisers were busy defending the President’s approach to the coronavirus on Sunday’s political talk show circuit, by mocking Democratic rival Joe Biden’s decision to wear a face mask - taking this stance, even though the President has been diagnosed with the coronavirus.
Of course, given the fact that Trump is against both government healthcare and paying taxes, some might be interested in knowing just how much Trump’s decision to politicize face masks is now gonna cost American taxpayers. The answer is, we don’t really know yet, but you can bet it’s gonna be a wee bit more than the $750 Trump contributed in taxes last year.
But, gee whiz - to think the Trump campaign is still mocking out wearing face masks at this stage of the game? I mean, we’re now just short of 215,000 deaths. Good grief, forget MAGA - it sounds like Trump’s new campaign slogan ought to be something like “Lets All Croak Together!”
So sure, let’s all follow these Trump folk's medical advice, like the dozens and dozens of unmasked White House staffers and Republicans in Congress who’ve now got the virus themselves, or the former the Trump campaign manager, now locked up in a psychiatric ward and under suicide watch. Because, as Trump once said, “what can it hurt?”
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