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Showing posts from October, 2021

Veterinarian Warns School Board Jews Behind Deadly COVID Vaccines

An angry crowd of anti-vax protesters gave veterinarian and former teacher Melanie Rentler a huge round of applause, after she addressed the Chandler, Arizona Unified School Board, declaring herself a vaccine expert and telling school board members the coronavirus vaccine is a deadly poison that will cause genetic damage and kill our children.   She then moved on to “Critical Race Theory (CRT),” claiming that by focusing on the “white race,” CRT is targeting the wrong people, adding that the race they should be focusing on, is the race who owns all the pharmaceutical companies, who actually make these deadly vaccines - that being the Jews. Holy cow, I don’t think this country’s heard that kind of overtly racist dialogue, since Tucker Carlson’s show aired on Fox last night.  Why, just who the hell does this woman think she is anyway, the Dr. Mengele of veterinarians?   Now, for everyone deeply upset by this person or by this kind of talk - the good news is that she’s now ...

Dr. Birx Claims Election Distracted Trump Resulting in 130,000 Unnecessary Deaths

Former Trump White House coronavirus response coordinator Doctor Deborah Birx, told the House select subcommittee on the pandemic that the Trump administration was “distracted” by last year’s election and ignored recommendations to curb the pandemic.   She further added that more than 130,000 American lives could have been saved with swifter action and better coordinated public health messages after the first wave of the virus. Gee, Donald Trump was “distracted?”  Who knew?  That’s funny, because I’ve always assumed Trump’s default mental state is “distracted.”  I mean, simply catching his own image in a mirror is a monumental distraction, if you’re Donald Trump.  Now, while “distracted” may be a polite way for Dr. Birx to phrase it, I’m pretty sure many Americans would likely describe Trump’s COVID response by using another word -  and that word is “indifferent.” Anyway, now that Dr. Birx seems to have finally regained her ability to speak again after o...

Biden Admin Rules Russian Sputnik V COVID Vax Won’t Qualify for US Entry

The Daily Beast reports that the Biden Administration will require all non-citizen visitors traveling to the United States by air after November 8th to provide proof of COVID vaccination status to airline officials prior to boarding a flight.   Administration officials also confirmed that those vaccinated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, will not qualify for entry. Well, I guess despite what President Putin may argue, it appears that a Vodka, Pelmeni, and borscht concoction, really doesn’t combine to make a very effective COVID vaccine.  Now, personally - I really don’t have a big issue with letting poorly vaccinated Russians visit, just as long as they promise to confine themselves to either Keokuk, Iowa, or the greater Cleveland metropolitan area. Of course, it should come as very little surprise to anyone now that the Biden Administration has publicly declared they don’t approve of the Russian vaccine, that every anti-vax Trump supporter on planet earth will soon be d...
Only 1000 Turn Out for MAGA Conspiracy Theory Conference in Utah:   Even though promoters of a two-day pro-Trump MAGA “Western Conservative Action Network” conference boasted they expected over 10,000 participants, only 1000 people actually showed up to hear speakers like headliner Michael Flynn wail about communist ideologies in government and schools, mask mandates, alternative cures for the coronavirus, and election fraud.   One of the highlights of the conference was conspiracy theorist Leigh Dundas, who warned the crowd of a recently launched plot by former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, to replace the U.S. government with a full-fledged “communist dictatorship.” Wow, who knew Nikita Khrushchev still walks among us?  All I can say is, the Kremlin sure must have done a much better job preserving him than they did with Vladimir Lenin.  Now, for all you libtards who scoff at all the conference’s “communist” references, rumor has it that Khrushchev’s been shar...

Pastor Rick Wiles Warns COVID Vaccine Has Eggs that Hatch into Synthetic Parasites

Popular right-wing conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles, Pastor of the Flowing Steams Church and founder of “ TruNews ,” a website promoting racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and anti - Semitic conspiracy theories, is now warning his many followers that “COVID vaccines contain eggs that hatch into synthetic parasites that grow inside your body.” Wow, tiny eggs that hatch into synthetic parasites?  Is this supposed to be some kind of yolk?  Now, I can easily rattle off plenty more puns, but I don’t wanna egg him on.  Frankly, my biggest concern here would be - is there any possibility that these damn “parasites” - could grow up to become televangelists?  That said, the real threat lies in the fact that folks who follow charlatans like Wiles - are able to “stupid” one helluva lot faster than the medical community - can “science.” Now, for anyone wondering just who this evil cabal behind this sinister plan of planting microscopic eggs in your COVID shots may be - well, ...

The Federalist’s Joy Pullmann Says Christians Dying of COVID is Part of God’s Plan

Dismissing those pushing vaccinations as “pagans,” The Federalist’s executive editor and columnist Joy Pullmann recently told readers that Christians should “welcome the cold finality of death from the coronavirus” and “should not seek the safety of the vaccine,” because “Christians should always welcome death in any form.”   Wow, now if I’m understanding Ms. Pullmann correctly, it appears that taking good care of yourself and being in good health - is spiritually bad for you.  Gee, and to think some folks actually consider today’s Republican Party to be little more than an evangelical “death cult?”  Why, I wonder where they’d ever get an idea like that?  You’d think folks like Joy Pullmann is the new “Jim Jones” - and not getting vaccinated is her “Grape Kool-Aid. What these cynical skeptics fail to understand is that encouraging other Christians to die from COVID, is a sacrifice that brave folks like Joy Pullmann - is more than willing to make.  While othe...

Marjorie Taylor Greene Panics as Georgia Republicans are Refusing to Vote

Freshman congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Georgia Republicans seem to have backed themselves into a corner with their unrelenting claims of election fraud.   Greene, who is up for reelection in 2022, was shocked to discover that between 4 and 10% of Republican voters say they will not vote in any more elections, unless there is a recount and former President Trump is reinstated as POTUS.   In fact, Trump issued a statement last week, warning "If we don't solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020, Republicans will not be voting in '22 or '24."   Now, I don’t often agree with Donald Trump or his MAGA supporters, but in this case - I have to admit they may be right in thinking “the whole election system is rigged, and there is no point for any Republican to ever vote again.”  Why, if I were a loyal MAGA cultist, I wouldn’t trust those damn recounts either.  It’s just way too easy for Antifa to infiltrate those audits, and make the final tally l...

Superman Dropping ‘The American Way’ From Motto Leaves Lara Trump Very Upset

Lara Trump, daughter-in-law and close adviser to former President Donald Trump, has joined the growing list of conservatives who are “deeply concerned” about how superheroes are evolving past a more traditional white, male, heterosexual identity.   Much of this controversy began after DC Comics’ new Superman film had Superman’s son “Jon Kent” come out as bisexual, while removing the "American Way" from the motto "Truth, Justice, and the American Way!”   Analysts say the move was likely not political, but more to help market the film internationally, rather than simply to an American audience.   Wow, now let’s see here!  Storming the US Capitol, with the intention of trying to overthrow our democracy is no cause for concern, but allowing a fictional character to have a bisexual son and change his slogan just a teeny weeny bit for marketing purposes - and the world is suddenly coming to an end?  Not to mention, good luck trying to find a decent phone booth for Cl...

Texas School District Demands Teachers Offer Opposing Views of the Holocaust

Gina Peddy, the Carroll School District's executive director of curriculum and instruction in Southlakem, Texas, is under fire for advising teachers to present "opposing" viewpoints if they're going to provide books teaching their students about the Holocaust.   This directive came after Texas passed a law intended to counter “Critical Race Theory,” by banning the teaching of concepts that could make individuals feel guilt or anguish due to their race. Teach the “good points about the Holocaust?”  Sure , why not?  But why stop there?  Hell, we may as well also teach students the “good points” about cancer, heart disease, the Fukushima tsunami, and the benefits of LA traffic during rush hour - while we’re at it.  Now, in that spirit, I’m certain Republicans would have no issue when students “pledge allegiance,” if they pledged allegiance to the flags of both the United States and the People's Republic of China, just so kids fully grasp the opposing points of vi...

Trump Ordered Intel Director to Investigate if Chinese Thermostats Hacked Voting Machines

A new book by Jonathan Karl of ABC News reports that Donald Trump instructed Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to investigate a bizarre conspiracy theory concocted by Trump Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, who claimed Chinese wireless thermostats were used to manipulate voting machines in the 2020 US presidential election. Wow, talk about a “smart thermostat.”  These suckers not only set your room to a comfortable temperature, but they can also switch Aunt Gertrude’s vote for Donald Trump - right over to Joe Biden.  Why, I bet these thermostats were made by the very same people that produced those secret microwaves Obama used to spy on everyone over at Trump Tower. But, come on!  Chinese thermostats?  That’s a bit out there.  Wonder what’s next, blaming COVID-19 on Chinese checkers?  Have these folks all lost all their “marbles?”  Hey, wait a minute!  Come to think of it, I do remember back in November 2020, thinking ...

Trump Had to Be Blocked From Appointing Ivanka to Head Up World Bank

The Intercept’s Ryan Grim and Max Ufberg say two sources told them that Donald Trump sought to appoint his daughter Ivanka to head up the World Bank in 2019, but then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin intervened to block the appointment. Not surprisingly, Trump supporters were completely outraged by the news, claiming who better than Ivanka Trump to put developing countries on the right path to greater wealth and prosperity - citing her financial expertise at hawking tacky, overpriced jewelry, handbags, and accessories over the years - simply by referencing her father and the “Trump” name.   I mean, talk about the fox having the keys to the hen house, how about this - “Hi, is this World Bank?  Well, great!  Say, I’d like to take out a loan for five billion dollars.  Approved?  Gee, that’s just swell!  Thanks a big bunch sweetie.  Now, be sure and say hello to Jared and the grandkids for me.”  Why, only the most hardened libtard would have a prob...

New Hampshire State Finance Chairman Warns COVID Vaccine Contains ‘Tentacled Creatures’

New Hampshire Public Radio is reporting that Republican state Rep. Ken Weyler has resigned as chairman of the House Finance Committee, after sharing an anti-Catholic conspiracy-laden "vaccine death report” document,” that claims top Vatican officials worship Satan, multiple Popes have answered to a hidden leader known as the “Grey Pope, and COVID-19 vaccines contain tentacled creatures with 5G technology intended for mind control.” Now, I’m certainly no mental health professional, but I’m pretty sure that seeing 5G tentacles in the coronavirus vaccine, might just be an indication that “hey, maybe it’s time to check into rehab.”  Either that or a secure mental health facility, where you can happily while away the hours working on supervised “arts and crafts” projects.  I tell ya, this level of paranoid conspiracy theory is almost enough to make folks like Georgia’s Rep. Marjorie Taylor - Greene with envy.   I mean, where the hell do Republicans manage to find all these ...

Fox News Starts ‘War on Christmas’ Season Early This Year

Even though it’s only October, the crew over at “ Fox and Friends ” have already kicked off their annual “War on Christmas” indignation series.   Host Brian Kilmeade started the festivities off, by warning that liberals are making sure your Christmas gifts will not arrive on time (if at all) this year, because Biden’s unemployment benefits have made American workers far too “lazy” to return to work. Wow, you mean they’re actually running the annual “War on Christmas” scare in October now?  What?  So, does that mean we’re just supposed to completely ignore the “The War on Halloween” this year?  Why, you don’t wanna mess around and piss off the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow, or the next thing you know, he’ll be trying to behead old Santa, or barbecue himself a reindeer or two.  Anyway, putting all of that aside, I think it’s time we paid homage to all the fallen from the “Wars on Christmas” that were fought in seasons past.  Why, I’m even buying “Wa...

Republican Donor Says Cory Lewandowski Claimed to Have Committed Two Murders

The Daily Mail is reporting that married Trump donor Trashelle Odom told police she feared for her safety at a Las Vegas Republican fundraiser, after former Trump campaign manager and longtime advisor Corey Lewandowski stalked and repeatedly touched her, while telling her that when he was 10, he “stabbed someone over and over again, killing him,” and when he was older, he “stabbed a man in the back of the head, also killing him.” Wow, is it just me, or does this guy have a really unusual take on how to impress the ladies?  Now, we all know that Corey Lewandowski has a long history of being a real “hothead,” but I seriously have my doubts that confessing to two murders is an especially effective way to try and make a female companion feel “hot.”  Hello, is there anyone still out there in the Republican Party, who’s not a criminal? Anyway, putting this Trashelle Odom incident aside for just a moment, one would think a seasoned political pro like Corey Lewandowski would know ...

Pat Robertson to Finally Step Down as Host of the 700 Club

Televangelist Pat Robertson announced Friday that he would be stepping down as host of his Christian Broadcasting Network’s (CBN) flagship show “The 700 Club,” after six decades on the program.   Robertson, who is 91, turned a tiny, bankrupt Virginia television station into a global religious broadcasting powerhouse.   He is also known for founding the Christian Coalition, which galvanized American evangelicals into a political, right-wing, ultra-conservative political force,” which firmly backed him when he ran for president in 1988.  Wow!  What a shocker!  You mean Pat Roberson’s actually retiring?  Gee, he’s leaving right in the prime of life.  So, now that Pat’s gone, I suppose that means technically, the show will now have to be called the “ 699 Club. ”  Now, I wasn’t exactly what you might call a huge fan of the show, but I always did wonder if that “700 part” of the show’s title - had anything to do with how old Pat actually was? Anyway,...

SD Gov. Noem Denying ‘Disgusting’ Rumors of Affair with Corey Lewandowski

After the ultra-conservative journal “ AM Greatness” reported that "multiple sources” have confirmed an ongoing extramarital affair between Republican South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, Gov. Noem is labeling the story as “disgusting,” and claiming this is nothing but more “old, tired attacks on conservative women.” Gee, it’s kind of interesting how Gov. Noem feels these rumors represent “attacks on conservative women.”  Especially, when you consider this story actually broke over at “ AM Greatness,” a site considered to be one of the most “ultra-conservative” news journals around.  But sure, Gov. Noem wants us all to know that the rumors linking her and Lewandowski are “disgusting.”  I get that.   Anyway, perhaps one thing we can all be in agreement with her is, the mere “ thought ” of someone having sex with Corey Lewandowski - is truly “ disgusting .”  That said, there is one thing actually miss...