After declaring “I don’t want no pervert, and I don’t want no pedophile in my school,” radical MAGA Nebraska Christian Nationalist pastor and self-proclaimed prophet Hank Kunneman, drew a rousing round of applause from parishioners during his Sunday sermon after warning he will not tolerate leftist Democrat Party cannibalistic gay teachers wearing women’s wigs - reading to school children. Pastor Kunneman then posed the question, “how many more kids are gonna have to be boiled and eaten” before we take action? Good grief! You mean to tell me those damnable leftists are back to their old habit of boiling and eating schoolchildren again? Well, all I can say is, this will certainly make you think twice before ordering anything off of one of those "Kids Menus,” next time you head over to your favorite restaurant. That said, wonder if they come with a side of fries? Anyway, word on the street has it that “school children’s fat” also makes a wonderful soap, t...