The Washington Post is reporting that unvaccinated former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, who just revealed that she had tested positive for the coronavirus, has been seen openly dining out at New York City restaurants this week, in complete disregard for local health and safety measures that call for those who test positive to isolate. Wow, it’s move over, Typhoid Mary - COVID Sarah is back in town! Gee, now if memory serves me correct, wasn’t Sarah the one who warned everyone back in the day, that if we pass Obamacare - we’ll end up with “Death Panels?” Well, it seems Sarah’s now become her own, “walking, talking, Death Panel.” Why, it was just a few weeks ago that Sarah told that MAGA Turning Point USA conference that “she’d rather die than get a COVID vaccine.” Well, that’s her prerogative, but she apparently wants to take half of New York City out with her when she goes. One thing’s for sure, that kind of attitude is never gonna get her a seed at the...