Alex Jones Blames Psychosis for His Sandy Hook Hoax Claims: During the defamation lawsuits launched by Sandy Hook families against the years-long smear campaign Alex Jones and his Infowars show have waged against the families of the school massacre that took the lives of 26 children and educators, Jones surprised many by blaming it all on “a form of psychosis” - which he claims was caused by all the media lies and distortions he’s been exposed to over the years. Gee, last time Jones and his lawyers were in a courtroom, they were trying to claim he was just playing “a character” on Infowars. Now, it appears his “character” has developed psychosis? Well then, perhaps they had better take all “his character’s” guns away - before he ends up hurting somebody. And he’s blaming it all on media lies and distortions? Excuse me, but what ever happened to blaming everything on Obama and Hillary? My question is, if Alex Jones really does have psycho...