CPAC’s Golden Trump Statue Was Actually Made In Mexico: It’s being reported by Politico, that the controversial golden statue of Donald Trump currently on display at CPAC, is for sale for $100,000, and was actually made in Mexico by an American ex-pat living in Rosarita Beach on a permanent resident visa. So, it was made in Mexico, was it? Now, isn’t that ironic? Gee. wonder how it ever managed to get over “Trump’s border wall?” One thing’s for sure, Mexico sure didn’t send us their best this time. Hell, I’ll take the UK's “Baby Trump balloon” any day. And the guy’s asking $100 grand for it? Wonder if he’ll take a check? Anyway, forgetting all that, my question is, just what the hell is it? Some sort of a dystopian piñata? If so, I'm afraid to ask what the hell’s inside it - especially when you consider Trump’s dietary habits. On the other hand, maybe it’s completely harmless and just a cooler to store all Trump’s...