Trump Sycophant Matt Gaetz’s Bizarre Tale of Sexual Intrigue and Extortion: Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz, a fierce Donald Trump supporter and frequent QAnon apologist, about whom we learn has been under investigation for months by the Justice Department for allegedly having sex with a 17-year-old girl and funding her underage travel, is now claiming that two men approached his father with a proposal asking for millions to free an Iranian hostage which, if successful, would make Gaetz a national hero and also help alleviate his statutory rape legal woes. Gaetz says he took this as extortion - and contacted the FBI. Gee whiz, and to think that all this time we were being told by “Q” that it was the Democrats, Hillary Clinton, and Hollywood celebrities who were running that “Pizzagate” child sex trafficking operation? Hey Mr. Q, I think we’ve found your child molesters. They’re apparently down in Florida - at the Gaetz residence. Now, in all fai...